It’s free to subscribe and you will receive…
- A free double pass to see an Adelaide Comedy Showcase on Fridays at Rhino Room.
- A free birthday ticket and half price for all your friends.
- Weekly Discounts to Adelaide Comedy and Adelaide Fringe Shows.
- Win Stuff in Adelaide Comedy Competitions.
- Find out who is playing every week and much more!
To claim your 2 free tickets fill out your details and click submit. You will then receive a reply email with instructions on how to book your tickets. If you don’t get that email check your junk mail folder for a ‘Welcome to Adelaide Comedy’ email.
CONDITIONS APPLY : Offer is only available until the show has sold out of it’s allocation of Free Tix. Each show has a minimum allocation of 10 free tickets. So be quick if there is something you really want to see. Rest assured we will find you a hilarious show one way or another!
If you have any questions or trouble subscribing contact